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Politics of the EU



This course familiarises students with theoretical approaches often used to study European integration, including neo-functionalism, liberal intergovernmentalism and multi-level governance. It provides an overview of European Union (EU) institutions and patterns of European integration in various policy areas. We notably focus on the role of the European Council, the European Commission, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament and on economic and monetary integration.

Methods of Instruction

Lectures and discussion

Study Material

Lelieveldt, Herman and Sebastiaan Princen (2011), The Politics of the European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hosli, Madeleine O. (2005): The Euro. An Introduction to European Monetary Integration, Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.


Written exams, essay. The final grade for this course consists of three elements: a 2000-word essay on European integration (30 percent), a midterm exam (30 percent) and a final exam (40 percent).

donderdag 1 december 2011, 13:15 -14:30 uur, Gorl.03 (in class).
donderdag 22 december 2011, 13.00-16.00 uur, USC
donderdag 19 januari 2012, 13.00-16.00 uur, SA41 (for both midterm and final)
You can register for an exam or retake through USIS until 10 days before the exam or retake


Dinsdag 1 november t/m 13 december, 15.00-17.00 uur, 1A20
Donderdag 10 november t/m 15 december, 13.00-15.00 uur, Gorl.03 (behalve 8 en 15 dec Gorl.02) Over de bijeenkomst op donderdag 3 november volgt nadere informatie.