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Internship Project Seminar MSc Political Science


Under construction: Schedule of Deadlines


Students opting for an internship will seek placement with an organization in the period early January to the end of March (covering the period of January and the 3rd bloc). The organization may be an NGO, interest group, government or international organization, political party, or media organization. The institute’s internship coordinator will facilitate placement, but the responsibility to find an organization lies with the student. The organization must be willing to allow and facilitate the student to implement a research project relevant to the organization or its activities.

During bloc 4 these students take the Internship Research Project Seminar, in which they complete the research project and prepare the research paper, with a length between 8.000 and 10.000 words. This research paper takes the form of an academic paper. That is: it invokes theory to help answer a clearly formulated question (or hypothesis) on the basis of systematically collected data.

There are two possible formats for this research paper: 1. It concerns empirical issues that were studied during the internship, and it is based on empirical data that are systematically collected during the internship. 2. If it is not possible to do empirical research during the internship, or if the research that the organization demands is unsuited for an academic research paper, the internship becomes a “practical experience,” and the research paper has to be written on a subject that is thematically related to the internship but researched independently of it.

The purpose of the internship-project-seminar is to provide close supervision in the process of deciding on which of the above formats to choose, designing the research (before the internship begins), and the writing of the research paper (after the internship).


Wednesday 26 March 18.00-20.00 hrs in SA21
Monday 7 April and 12 May 15.00-17.00 hrs in SA21
Tuesday 22 April 15.00-17.00 hrs in SA21