
nl en

First year

For Dutch students the programme has slightly changed. They will have to read this site in Dutch.

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2
European Protection of Human Rights 5
The Internal Market - Privatissimum 10
General Principles of EU law 5
The Union in the World 10
Thesis 10

For international students:

European Union Law 10

Voor Nederlandse studenten: Recht realiseren (nieuwe stijl), keuze vak:

Rechtshandhaving – Recht realiseren 5
Rechtsvinding – Recht realiseren 5

Voor Nederlandse studenten:

EU Institutional Law 5

Keuze uit één van de volgende vakken:

Competition Law - Practicum 10
European Citizenship and Non-Discrimination Law - Practicum 10

More info

This programme is a specialization programme for Law.