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Industrial Ecology

Industrial Ecology is een opkomende wetenschappelijke discipline die een systematische aanpak naar menselijke problemen voorstaat, waarbij technische, milieu- en sociale aspecten worden geïntegreerd. Gesteld kan worden dat deze aanpak de manier is om tot duurzame ontwikkeling te komen. Daarom wordt industriële ecologie ook wel gezien als de ‘gereedschapskist voor duurzame ontwikkeling’ of de ‘wetenschap der duurzaamheid’.

1st year

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
General Introduction to Industrial Ecology 6
Renewable Energy Systems 6
Fundamentals of Systems, Data, Models and Computational Thinking 6
Analytical Methodologies and Tools 6
Social Systems – Policy and Management 6
Urban Environments and Infrastructures 6
Sustainable Innovation and Social Change 6
System Earth 6
Design of Sustainable Technological Systems 6
Elective Modules 6

Elective Modules

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Advanced Course on LCA 6

2nd year

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Interdisciplinary Project Groups 12
Specialisation Modules 12
Thesis Preparation Module 6
Thesis Research Project 30

Specialisation Modules

Specialisation Modules have to be selected as a component within the second year of the master’s programme, with a minimum of 12 EC.

The choice for Specialisation Modules has to be approved by the first examiner of the Master’s Thesis Research Project and by the Board of Examiners before the start of the course.

Specialisation Modules are part of a master’s programme, i.e. for Leiden University with a level 400 or higher, or i.e. for Delft University of Technology a course from a master’s programme or comparable.

Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Advanced Course on LCA 6

Meer info

The Industrial Ecology track is a co-operation between three faculties of two Dutch universities:

  1. the Faculty of Science (Leiden University)
  2. the Faculty of Applied Sciences (Delft University of Technology)
  3. the Faculty of Technology, Polocy and Management (Delft University of Technology)

Both universities deliver an equivalent contribution to the overall teaching programme.