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Vak EC Semester 1 Semester 2
Forensische Psychiatrie 5
A Europe that serves and protects: the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice 5
Mensenhandel: Een benadering vanuit juridisch, beleidsmatig en sociaalwetenschappelijk perspectief 5
Values and Norms in Cyberspace (ENG) 5
VAR-pleitwedstrijd 5
Vennootschaps- en Rechtspersonenrecht 10
Vergelijkend en Internationaal Privaatrecht 5
Ancient Egyptian Law 5
Legal English for Bachelor Students 5
Telecommunicatierecht 5
Trade and Finance in the Global Economy 5
Turnaround Management and Bankruptcy Law 5
Studentenparlement 5
Strategic Management & Leadership 5
Stage Juridisch Ondernemerschap en Innovatie 5
Sociale Zekerheid 5
Sociaal recht, arbeidsrecht en reorganisatie 5
Stage Rechtswinkel 5
Recht in de Multiculturele Samenleving 5
Rechtsfilosofie II 5
Recht en Literatuur 5
Rechtssociologie 5
Protection of Human Rights in Europe 5
Principles of Economics 5
Marketing Management 5
Mediarecht 5
Moot Court Public International Law 5
Negotiation & Mediation 5
Politiek Staatsrecht 5
Openbare Financiën (LAW) 5
Onroerendgoedrecht 10
People and Organizations 5
Personen- en familierecht 5
Law, Sharia and Governance in North Africa and the Middle East 5
Aerospace Law 5
American Law of Risk 5
Arbeidsverhoudingen bij de Overheid 5
Argumenteren voor Juristen 5
Basics of International Humanitarian Law 5
Beroepsethiek voor Juristen 5
Bouwrecht 5
Business Accounting 5
Business Analytics 5
Business Law & Economics 5
Comparative Corporate Law 5
Comparative Sexual Orientation Law 5
Comparative Tort Law 5
Corporate Social Responsibility 5
Criminalistics 5
Criminologie Voor Juristen 5
Economic Policy in the EU 5
Entrepreneurship and Innovation 5
Entrepreneurial Finance 5
Erfrecht 10
Europa in de Praktijk 5
European Asylum law 5
European Labour Law 10
European Migration Law 5
European Non-Discrimination Law 5
European Private International Law in a Global Context 5
European Union Law Foundations 5
European Union Law: The Four Freedoms 5
Europese Codificatiegeschiedenis 5
Extracurriculaire optie: keuzevak Notariele studentstage 5
Formeel strafrecht civiel effect 5
Geschiedenis van het Europees Privaatrecht 5
History of European Public Law 5
Huwelijksvermogensrecht 10
Immigratie, integratie en discriminatie 5
Immigratierecht 5
(Inleiding) Jeugdrecht 5
International Commercial Law 5
International Tax Law for Multinational Enterprises 5
Internetrecht 5
Introduction to Children's Rights 5
Introduction to European Competition Law 5
Introduction to International Human Rights Law 5
Juridische aspecten van Kindermishandeling 5
Law and Culture 5
Law and Governance in Africa 5
Law and Governance in Asia 5
Law and Governance in Developing Countries 5
Law and Information Technology in Europe 5
Law in Action 5
Law, Development and Innovation in China 5